Phentermine Specialist

Medi-Slim Weight Loss
Medical Weight Loss located in Las Vegas, NV
As part of your comprehensive medical weight loss plan, phentermine may be helpful in your efforts to lose weight. Our team at Medi-Slim Weight Loss in Las Vegas offers physician-supervised weight loss complete with this extremely effective appetite suppressant. For a consultation to determine if phentermine or an alternative prescription appetite suppressant is right for you, call the office today or book an appointment online.
Phentermine Q & A
What is medical weight loss?
Medical weight loss refers to a weight loss plan that is monitored by a physician. These types of weight loss programs take into account your results from diagnostic testing, your health conditions, and other factors. Medical weight loss plans can include:
- Body composition testing
- Behavioral and lifestyle changes
- Dietary or nutritional support
- Weight loss medications
- Health counseling
- Specialized activity plans
- Physician support
And don’t forget, the medical weight loss plans at Medi-Slim Weight Loss are highly personalized so that each and every client has the potential to reach their weight loss goals now and in the future.
What is phentermine?
Phentermine is a prescription medication used in conjunction with medical weight loss programs. It’s an appetite suppressant that works to help curb your eating habits and cravings when you’re struggling with your weight. The physician at Medi-Slim Weight Loss has special training in weight loss medicine, also called bariatric medicine, and monitors your progress throughout your weight loss journey.
Our team will do a thorough assessment of your current health and medical history before prescribing this medication (or any other) to help supplement your weight loss. When coming to the office for a consultation, you can plan to spend at least an hour with us during your initial visit.
Do I need to follow a restrictive diet with phentermine?
The weight loss experts at Medi-Slim Weight Loss find that the reason most people fail to lose weight and keep it off is because of the restrictive diets and inconvenient exercise plans. So, no, you don’t have to follow a cumbersome, restrictive diet on your medical weight loss program.
However, you can expect to work closely with your physician, as well as our highly trained weight loss experts, to help you make lifestyle changes that can be easily incorporated into your current routine, especially after you’ve lost the weight. We know how hard maintaining a healthy weight can be and we want nothing more than for you to succeed!
At Medi-Slim Weight Loss, our team tracks your progress weekly and makes adjustments to your plan accordingly.
To see if a prescription appetite-suppressant like phentermine is right for you, schedule a consultation with our doctor to get expert answers to all of your questions. Call the center or book an appointment online with Medi-Slim Weight Loss today.